I provide a wide range of services, feel free to enquire about any number of my services.
Shamanic Services
Soul Retrieval
Power Retrieval
Medicine Extraction
Cacao Medicine Ceremony
Past Life Clearing
Chakra Drumming
Chakra Balance
One of the oldest healing practices. Open the doorway to the most powerful healing on a new level.
The practitioner calls on helping spirits to restore the spiritual power of the client. They will return lost power, remove negativity and return the client to wholeness and also bring advice from the spirit realms.
Reiki Healing
Angelic Reiki
Crystal Healing
Reiki is universal Ki energy, and this ancient traditional Japanese method of healing balances the mind, body and spirit.
It releases emotional imbalances and brings well being to the client.
Kambo Services
Treats Addiction
Kambo is a sacred heart medicine used by indigenous tribes in the Amazon and is natures vaccine for mind, body and spirit.
Kambo circulates in the heart making move more accurately so that things flow bringing good things for the person.
Counselling Service
Counselling assists clients to move forward by helping them to address their problems by clarifying issues exploring options and developing strategies to move forward.
The client is in a safe, non-judgemental space where everything is confidential.
Powerful energy healing system which has been practised by Tibetan Lama's. Lama Fera emanates from Lord Gautama Buddha and can help in increase spiritual abilities, relieve pain, remove unwanted spirits, cleanse buildings, overcome fear, anxiety, stress and mental tensions, improve visualisation and assist re-connection with the Higher Self.